GPS-remote sensing data for collared Wild Forest Reindeer
Name (fi):
GPS-pannoilla merkittyjen metsäpeurojen paikkatietoaineistot
Monitoring scheme observations
Seasonal fix density data deduced from the large remote sensing data of GPS-collared Wild Forest Reindeer females. This dataset does not have occurrences, but it has three separate sub-datasets: summer time, winter and transition routes, that contain occurrences.
Description (fi):
Kainuun ja Suomenselän GPS-pannoilla merkittyjen metsäpeuravaadinten paikannustiheysaineisto. Tämä onyläaineisto, johon ei ole liitetty havaintoja. Aineistolla on kolme ala-aineistoa, joissa havainnot eriteltynä kesälle, talvelle ja siirtymäreiteille.
Taxonomic coverage:
Wild forest reindeer (Rangifer tarandus fennicus)
Temporal coverage:
Coverage basis:
Wild forest reindeer of Finland
Geographic coverage:
Suomenselkä ja Kainuu areas in Finland
Wild forest reindeer females were marked using helicopter. Animals were anaesthetized with CO2 dart tranquilizer instrument and Vectronic-type GPS GSM- or IRIDIUM collars were fitted. GPS collars updated their location every fourth hour. Also 1 or 2- hour fix rate was used during summer season. Data includes about 1.8 million fixes from about 280 collared females. Data from collars is stored to WRAM data base (Umeå Center for Wireless Remote Animal Monitoring Dept. for Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies SLU). Raw data was modified to density raster separately to season (summer and winter) and subpopulation (Suomenselkä and Kainuu). For density raster data, all marked individuals and fixes were pooled within season and population. Density raster was created using ArcGIS Desktop 10.6.1 Spatial Analyst tools and point density function with options: circle radius = 3000 meters.
License for use:
Creative Commons Attribution
Publisher name (en):
Person responsible:
Antti Paasivaara
Location of data and backups:
Citation recommendation:
Luonnonvarakeskus (Luke)
Status of this metadata:
preliminary – needs improvement
Contact email:
Collection quality:
Professional / professionally curated
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